A Digital Transformation Solution Brief for Progressive Manufacturers
Manufacturing Technologies and Considerations
Who could imagine a day when we would see products printed in plastic and metal on a 3D printer, batteries grown from viruses, or contact lenses that zoom in like binoculars with the click of your eye? Technology is vital for manufacturers to design and produce high-quality products. Technology is just as crucial to managing business processes.
Growing manufacturers and those using entry-level accounting or legacy manufacturing ERP systems must modernize factory and business operations to remain competitive. Manufacturers may need to replace their business system or acquire bolt-on applications with limited integration and high installation, maintenance, and support costs to maintain their competitive edge.
This solution brief provides manufacturers with an overview of manufacturing ERP features and advice for connecting ERP applications with innovative manufacturing technologies. In addition, it includes a self-assessment to determine what steps to take next with strategies to execute on technology implementations, setting a future-proof platform for growth.
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